
March 4, 2022

8:00 AM Registration and Middle East Books & More opens.

9:00 AM Dale Sprusansky: Conference organizer welcoming remarks.

9:05 AM Dr. Walter L. Hixson: What's so important about the lobby? Transcript Video MP3 audio

9:20 AM Keynote Dr. Hanan Ashrawi: What, if any, policies have changed since the Trump administration, and new hope for Palestine's future. Transcript Video MP3 audio

10:10 AM Morning break.

10:40 AM Paul Noursi: The victorious battle for the First Amendment against Virginia's anti-boycott bill (HB 1161). Transcript Video (MP3 audio)

11:00 AM Jeanne Trabulsi: The fight against Israeli propaganda in Virginia textbooks and an Israeli human rights violator. (MP3 audio)

11:45 AM Edward Ahmed Mitchell: How American groups working for human rights can take measures against joint Israel/lobby espionage and infiltration operations. (MP3 audio)

12:30 PM Lunch: Huwaida Arraf: Why I'm running for the U.S. Congress. Transcript video (MP3 audio)

1:15 PM Rev. Don Wagner: The widespread influence of Christian Zionism and growing backlash inside American churches. (MP3 audio)

2:00 PM Keynote Gideon Levy: The nature of democracy and human rights in Israel. (MP3 audio)

2:50 PM John Kiriakou: Israel's negative, disproportionate and widespread influence on the U.S. national security state. Transcript video (MP3 audio)

3:20 PM Afternoon break.

3:40 PM Radhika Sainath: The Israel lobby's ongoing attacks on freedom of speech across the U.S. and successful legal challenges. (MP3 audio)

4:30 PM Sut Jhally: Whether American news organizations are getting better or worse in the quality, balance and accuracy of their Middle East reporting. (MP3 audio)

5:00 PM Roger Waters: The positive impact of artist boycotts targeting Israel and how to educate fans. (MP3 audio)

5:30 PM Closing Remarks: Delinda Hanley and Grant F. Smith. (MP3 audio)

5:30-7 PM Networking Reception.